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WAXIE Santa Ana Gives Back to Local Nonprofit!

Posted by Briana Smith on Jun 7, 2016 7:45:00 AM
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Helping Working Wardrobes Get Ready to Move Into Their New Facility

By: Nicholas Yuan

On May 26th, 2016, members of Team WAXIE Santa Ana went to help Working Wardrobes prepare to move into their new facility out in Irvine, none of which would have been possible without the special contributions from John Levulis, John Berry, and Oscar Alvarez. The leadership in attendance included Alice Sawaya, Michael Gould, John Torgerson, and Erik Chantarapan. 


The team coordinating a plan for success, while getting started on some much needed floor clean-up with a floor machine.

Working Wardrobes is an organization that empowers men, women, veterans, and young adults overcoming difficult challenges to confidently enter the workforce and achieve success by providing career training, job placement assistance, and wardrobe services. The nonprofit organization, in its 26th year, has assisted more than 85,000 clients emerging from life crises by providing services through Career Success Institute and VetNet, A Safety Net for Veterans. 

Career Success Institute helps clients become workforce ready by providing workshops and training on various skills such as resume writing, interviewing, job searching, and financial literacy. Career Success Institute also offers certification in customer service and retail sales through the National Retail Federation. VetNet is an outreach program that assists veterans with job training, placement, and follow-up. VetNet utilizes an integrated case management approach to directly link clients to supportive services available through partnerships.


Team WAXIE was able to clean and prep the new facility with the help and support of Nilfisk-Advance (Brian Burgess and Nicholas Gotovac) who graced us with the use of their equipment and supplies to aid in the effort. The team was not only able to help a wonderful organization, but the team also took the opportunity to learn more about the equipment with some hands on training. The other vendors that donated supplies for the facility included Heritage Bag, Kimberly-Clark Professional, GOJO, American Paper Converting, and Rubbermaid Commercial Products.


As a new Account Consultant who has been part of WAXIE for about a week, this was a great experience to bond with the team and go out in the field to learn more about what WAXIE is all about. The comradery was definitely an eye opening experience as everyone was eager to help and share their wealth of knowledge to help contribute to something as great as Working Wardrobes. WAXIE Santa Ana looks to be more involved with this noteworthy nonprofit through the remainder of 2016 as Michael Gould, Regional Sales Manager for WAXIE Santa Ana, is a current board member as a 100% volunteer of time and resources.

Nicholas Yuan is an Account Consultant for WAXIE Santa Ana. He is currently in training to become an expert in cleaning solutions that help our customers keep their facilities cleaner, healthier, greener and safer. His favorite part of the day is when he's out and about interacting & assisting customers. You can connect with Nick about his adventures in cleaning at www.linkedin/in/nnickshouts.

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