Workplace Wellness: How You Can Take Action
This is part 2-of-2 blog posts with WAXIE Sanitary Supply’s interview with Peter Leahy from Kimberly-Clark Professional*
In case you missed the first half of the interview posted last week...Workplace Wellness: Learn What You Can Do to Stay Healthy
Last week we discussed the importance of Workplace Wellness, germ hot spots, cross-contamination and breaking the chain of germ transmission by the HYGIENIFY!* wash, wipe, sanitize protocol. But what can you do yourself to kick start a program at your work? Wouldn’t it be great if there were materials that you could just download or ideas on what other people have done? That’s exactly what Kimberly-Clark Professional* has developed with The Healthy Workplace Project*. Keep reading for more information on how you can take action at work to promote good hand hygiene practices and Workplace Wellness.
Topics: taking action, Kimberly-Clark Professional, workplace wellness