(800) 995-4466


Green Cleaning Product Purchases and Custodial Effectiveness

Green Cleaning Team Worksheet
Use to identify “Green Cleaning Team”
Use to establish customer goals so appropriate green cleaning recommendations can be made
Use to frame conversation of initial meeting regarding green cleaning
Use to schedule appointment to conduct Green Cleaning Site Survey

Green Cleaning Training Log
Use to identify green cleaning training opportunities
Use to keep track of customer employees who have been trained on green cleaning topics
Use to reinforce the idea of continuous improvement in green cleaning program

Green Cleaning Site Survey
Use to frame questions on facility walk through
Use for notes on general cleanliness of facility, current cleaning methods and current products
Use to identify applicable LEED® for Existing Buildings:
- Operations & Maintenance (EB:OM) Green Building
- Rating System credits where WAXIE can help
Use as quick glance LEED checklist for green cleaning credit

Sustainable Cleaning Product Worksheet
Use to identify green cleaning product purchases as well as total spend
Use to measure the percentage of “green spend” each month (can also be used for specific LEED calculation)
Drop down menu to identify green product certification or attribute
Information from each month rolls up to dashboard that shows year to date green spend percentage

Green Cleaning Product Survey
Use to frame product recommendations after Green Cleaning Site Survey
Use to identify current products and cleaning applications
Use to recommend green cleaning product alternatives
Use to identify green cleaning certification or attribute of the recommended product

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