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Emergency Preparation for the Unthinkable – School Lockdowns

Posted by Briana Smith on Feb 11, 2016 11:30:00 AM
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By: Briana Smith, Social Media & Product Branding Specialist, WAXIE Sanitary Supply


Unfortunately in this day and age, school lockdowns are becoming increasingly frequent with students and educators being stuck in classrooms for unknown quantities of time. Sometimes a lockdown may only last an hour, but some instances may last over five hours! Reasons for these lockdowns can vary from potential dangers in the surrounding area, an on-campus situation, bomb threats called into a school district, natural disasters, or any other situation in which the safety of students and staff is called into question.

Media reports over the last year for Southern CA have brought up a very important side effect of these school lockdowns – safety & hygiene.

There are typically no warnings that a lockdown is going to go into effect, and oftentimes a basic need is overlooked, a way for students and faculty to use the restroom.

“Unsanitary Nightmares”

Parents: Extended lockdown led to 'unsanitary nightmare' – ABC 10 News – March 19, 2015

Within the last year, San Diego County, for example, has had several major lockdowns with multiple campuses being affected.
Faculty improvised at Grossmont High School in February 2015 during a five hour lockdown, where students had to make due with using wastebaskets in an adjoining room to their classroom.

In March 2015, students at Marshall Middle School weren’t quite so lucky, they also utilized wastebaskets, but other students formed a human wall around to allow for privacy, which is extremely uncomfortable and frustrating for all of those involved.

That isn’t even the worst, after making use of the makeshift ‘toilet’ students didn’t have anything to clean or sanitize their hands with!

Not only are school lockdowns difficult and stressful for all of those involved, but having to use a wastebasket as a toilet during the lockdown is quite embarrassing. Additionally, students and faculty are then effected by the smell and the not so hygienic conditions in the classroom for the duration. Plus, after the lockdown has been lifted, how are the staff to dispose of the now biohazardous waste.

Prepare ahead of time for a lockdown

There are a variety of emergency response plans that are dependent on the situation and the school, but for sanitation issues it’s best to plan for a long lockdown situation. Have emergency bathroom provisions on-hand in every classroom. Again, it’s hard to determine how long a lockdown may last, so it’s better to have everything in place in case something happens than to have to deal with the consequences after the fact.

  • Classroom First Aid Kit
  • Classroom Lockdown Kit
  • Emergency Essentials – Food (such as energy bars) & Water

As school threats are on the rise, several LA area schools, as well as San Diego Unified, are investing in classroom lockdown kits as part of their emergency response plans.

SD Unified to buy lockdown kits to avoid 'unsanitary nightmare' – ABC 10 News – October 23, 2015

What do you need in a classroom lockdown kit?

Must-haves for your emergency restroom supplies include:

  • A large bucket with a portable toilet seat lid
  • Sanitary wipes (preferable) or some sort of hand sanitizer
  • Toilet paper
  • Trash bags
  • Tarp (or something that can be used to create a little privacy)
  • Gloves
  • Duct tape
  • An absorbent

Additional “nice-to-have” provisions include:

  • Flashlight
  • Batteries (for flashlight)
  • Facial tissue or paper towels

Contact Us to Order – Classroom Lockdown Kit


Topics: Hand Hygiene, workplace safety, Education

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