Q: Hey Sadie, Twitter has been blowing up about safety at work. What’s your take? -TanyaA: Workplace safety has been in the news a lot lately from computer eye strain to the recent garment factory collapses in Bangladesh, yet many of us take for granted our safety at work. After all, there are OSHA regulations and guidelines for that right? Personal safety should never be taken for granted. You can’t always guarantee or rely on others for your own safety, especially as we work with other people each day, but there are ways that you and your coworkers can prevent many workplace accidents that could lead to injuries.
The first way is by having the correct tools & equipment for the job you are performing. This includes any personal protective equipment such as gloves, googles, dust respirator, aprons, etc. You wouldn’t bake a cake without all the necessary ingredients, and safety equipment is just that, a necessary ingredient for your safety. You can typically find what personal safety equipment you need by reading the product labels of all the products you plan on using before you start your job. This way you can gather all of your safety supplies and equipment at one time.
And speaking of product labels, you should read the product label right before using the product. You may have used this product a million times before, but maybe the label has been updated since you first started using it. Perhaps there’s a step that you’ve forgotten along the way. As the old adage goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.” It takes just as long to review the product label as it does for an accident to occur.How do you get in the habit of practicing workplace safety? Training can play an important part. Make safety checks part of the training process. When a new employee starts work, go through the safety process as part of the on the job training, making a point of how important it is. Just like pilots have a pre-flight checklist, have a checklist that includes safety tips or processes that someone can review and mark off before the start of a project. Or have monthly training updates where a new safety topic is introduced.
Perhaps one of the best ways to highlight workplace safety is to have a culture of safety within your business. If everyone from the CEO to the window cleaner actively practice safe workplace habits and make a conscious effort to watch out for others, then the probability for accidents and injuries is greatly reduced. It’s just like Workplace Wellness, each and every small act of safety adds up to healthy benefits for everyone.
Tips for Implementing Workplace Safety & Creating Your Safety Tool Kit
- Take an inventory of personal protective equipment; replace what’s worn out & purchase what you are missing or low on
- Schedule annual safety training for new employees and as a brush up for existing employees
- Incorporate safety checks on a project checklist
- Send out a company Safety/Workplace Wellness newsletter out monthly or quarterly
- Lead by example - you shouldn’t be telling someone to put on gloves before using a cleaning chemical and then not bother to put them on yourself
- Practice fire/emergency evacuation drills several times a year so that everyone is familiar with designated meeting places, where fire extinguishers are located, who checks the bathrooms, etc.
Do you have any Workplace Safety tips? Leave a comment below.