Q: Hi Sadie- The company I work for is looking for ways to incorporate more sustainable practices as a business. What has WAXIE done, as a company, to become more sustainable? -Tom
A: Hi Tom, Here at WAXIE Sanitary Supply, we talk a LOT about sustainability as a concept, but we don’t often say what we’ve been doing ourselves as an organization to being a more sustainable business. Hopefully the list below will give others ideas on how they can make a difference. And you don’t have to implement a whole bunch of things at one time. You can start out small with one or two goals that you’d like to accomplish, and add others over time. I often think of things or ways that I can be more sustainable as an individual; some of these things or behaviors are easy to change or modify (recycle more), while others are not as feasible at this time, but may become long-term sustainability goals (making my home more energy efficient).
Here are some of WAXIE’s notable accomplishments and activities on our path to sustainability:
WAXIE is a member of the US Green Building Council (USGBC) – with two company buildings earning LEED® Silver Certification: WAXIE Mesa & WAXIE Salt Lake City
- WAXIE San Diego Headquarters and Inventory Center earned Energy Star certification
- Delivery routes planned with routing software that minimizes travel time, resulting in less fuel consumption and vehicle emissions; also, we have a pilot program in place for CNG (compressed natural gas) and hybrid delivery trucks for some routes to further decrease fuel consumption and vehicle emissions
- Recycling and waste diversion program for corrugated, shrink wrap and pallets, as well as other ongoing consumables, durable goods and facility alterations
- Green Cleaning Policy, for all facilities and water conserving devices installed in restrooms
- Web@Work e-commerce platform and eInvoicing promoted to minimize paper usages
- WAXIE Santa Ana Inventory Center installed solar panels
- Video conferencing technology utilized to decrease the need for face-to-face meetings
- RFP technology utilized for inventory control to minimize paper usage
- Ten WAXIE employees are LEED® Accredited Professionals and three are LEED® Green Associates
- WAXIE representatives have been asked to speak at functions for organizations such as USGBC, BOMA, IFMA, PABSCO, ISSA, SCSSA, SDEP, HPSI, CHESC, and OPPA on the subjects of green cleaning, LEED® or sustainability

WAXIE consultants have assisted with green cleaning needs of several LEED® projects for customers (references available)
- WAXIE Desk Calendars, Product Catalogs and product literature printed with post-consumer recycled content using soy based inks; Green section of catalog and website to provide customer education and promote green purchasing
- Sponsor and host for LEED for Existing Buildings Technical Review Workshops and other LEED EBOM Educational Series in partnership with USGBC chapter
- WAXIE was on Technical Committees for development of ISSA Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS and CIMS-GB), and a participating stakeholder in the Standard Development Team for the Green Seal “Green Cleaners Standards” (GS-42) and revision of “Industrial and Institutional Cleaners Standard” (GS-37)
- WAXIE is a charter signatory of the San Diego Regional Sustainability Partnership
- A WAXIE employee has sat on the Board of Directors for the San Diego chapter of USGBC, and serves as the chapter’s Immediate Past President, point of contact for LEED EBOM and the Pacific Regional Council Representative
- WAXIE has developed has developed GPS® Green Partner Support™ to assist green-committed end-user customers implement more effective green cleaning programs
- WAXIE has a broad selection of environmentally preferable products (including numerous WAXIE private labeled cleaning products) that have received certifications from Green Seal, EcoLogo and Scientific Certification Systems, or have been formulated in partnership with EPA Design for the Environment (DfE)
- Forty-four WAXIE employees are CIMS-GB ISSA Certification Experts
- WAXIE has conducted numerous “Green Cleaning Seminars” at WAXIE branches in San Diego, Santa Ana, Ontario, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, San Francisco, Mesa, Tucson, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Portland, Seattle, Colorado Springs and Denver
CleanLink Magazine
GreenSource Magazine
Green Industry Links: Organizations, Third-Party Certifiers, Etc.
Read More – WAXIE's Green Cleaning Resources
WAXIE GPS: Sustainable Cleaning Solutions
WAXIE GPS Suite of Tools
Green Cleaning – Frequently Asked Questions