Ask Sadie: WAXIE Sanitary Supply’s Commitment to Sustainability
Read MoreTopics: business, Sustainability, Ask Sadie
Republished with permission from Windsor's Cleaning Tip of the Month eNewletter August 2013
Interim cleaning is often the most overlooked step in the PDIR cleaning process. As a reminder, PDIR stands for Preventative, Daily, Interim, and Restorative cleaning processes. These cleaning processes form a cost-saving cleaning system for any facility.
Read MoreTopics: carpet, flooring, machines & equipment, cleaning tips
By: Briana Smith & Tom Ciccarone | August 29, 2013
UCLA’s Royce Hall has been an institution in Los Angeles for over 90 years. It has hosted acclaimed orchestras, musicians, performing artists & speakers since 1929 when the building was completed. It even survived the 1994 Northridge earthquake, even though it was heavily damaged and had to be renovated. One thing that hadn’t been touched much though was the original hard wood floors in the studio area installed in the mid 1920’s and they were looking rather worse for wear.
Read MoreTopics: wood floors, flooring, gym floors
By: Briana Smith, WAXIE Sanitary Supply
Yesterday I had the honor, along with several of my fellow WAXIE coworkers, to attend the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Kick Off Breakfast at the Town & Country Hotel in San Diego, CA.
WAXIE is a proud flagship sponsor in San Diego and a member of the National Partners Program of the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Walk. Each time I attend a meeting, donate at a fundraising event or participate in the annual Walk I’m struck by the generosity of people who are trying to be a part of something bigger in helping others. Often people they have never met.
Topics: American Cancer Society, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, community involvement
By: Briana Smith, WAXIE Sanitary Supply
Topics: Ontario, trade show, equipment
Andrew Powell and Robert Barngrover from Ecolab were the trainers for WAXIE Las Vegas' Stone Floor Care Seminar.
Topics: Training, Hard Floor Care, Las Vegas, Tucson
By: J. Darrel Hicks, BA, REH, CHESP | July 25, 2013
Originally published & reprinted with permission in Housekeeping Solutions on Clean Link Online
The cleaning (removing soil) and disinfection (killing bacteria and viruses) of furniture, floors and touch points is vitally important in any facility. Germs live in a moist, warm environment and making sure all surfaces are cleaned properly and frequently will minimize their spread and improve health.
In some facilities, there is confusion over who cleans what and how often. For instance, too often in hospitals, housekeeping thinks the nurses clean a surface, and nurses think those surfaces are cleaned by housekeeping. In reality, it doesn't get done. The question we need to answer is, "Who cleans this and how often is it cleaned?"
Topics: disinfecting, Healthcare, Hospitality, cleaning tips
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9353 WAXIE Way
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(800) 995-4466
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