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Posted by WAXIE Buzz on Sep 25, 2019 10:45:00 AM

Light Up Your Life: Retrofitting Your Lighting with Energy-Efficient LEDs

By: WAXIE Editorial Staff  |  September 25, 2019

In today’s age it is almost impossible not to see LED lighting at every turn. From streetlights and parking lots – to department stores and hotels – LED is everywhere.

In the past, darkness prevailed. Car dealers were turning off their lot lighting at midnight in an effort to save money, and the energy crunch resulted in reduced lighting in offices and businesses alike. Some stores appeared closed as the lights were so low.

Back then, energy saving solutions required reducing your light output because a lower wattage lamp was also a lower lumen lamp. These days the lights are on! Auto dealerships are brightly lit throughout the night, and supermarkets are back to enticing their customers with bright sparkling stores. A car dealership can now replace a 1000 watt high intensity fixture with a 300 Watt LED fixture, resulting in a 70% operating cost reduction.

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Topics: Facility Maintenance, lighting

Posted by Chris Meyer on Mar 22, 2019 9:18:00 AM

Water for All: Ways Businesses Can Reduce Their Water Usage

By Chris Meyer  |  March 22 , 2019

The fact that clean water will readily flow from the faucet is a given in the developed world. In developing countries, though, finding potable water is often a daily struggle.

That’s why today, World Water Day, is dedicated to “tackling the water crisis by addressing the reasons why so many people are being left behind.” And one of those reasons is the rate at which businesses and individuals in the developed world use water.

According to the African Wildlife Foundation, “If the entire global population had the water habits of the average European or North American, we would need about three and a half Earths to sustain us.”

As gloomy as that may sound, the good news is, there’s no shortage of products, education, and new technology that our businesses can leverage to conserve the water supply.

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Topics: Water Conservation, Sustainability, Facility Maintenance

Posted by WAXIE Buzz on Feb 7, 2019 1:40:00 PM

How to Implement a Day Cleaning Program at Your Facility

By Chris Meyer  |  February 7, 2019

If you’ve ever proposed a day cleaning program at your facility, you’ve likely run into at least one of the following arguments: 

  1. It’s too disruptive to building occupants
  2. Tenants don’t want custodial staff around in front of clients
  3. It’s harder to clean with people in the building

To be sure, these aren’t invalid arguments, but none of them are insurmountable if you’re strategic about how you develop and implement a day cleaning program at your facility. But before we get into the nuts and bolts of how to make a day cleaning program work, let’s review the benefits of doing so.

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Topics: Productivity, Facility Maintenance, day cleaning

Posted by Briana Smith on Mar 22, 2017 1:33:00 PM

Wastewater – Rethinking How We View Our Water Resources

By: Briana Smith  |  March 22, 2017

It’s World Water Day – a day to reflect on our own water use while recognizing the world’s water crisis.

As Americans, we often take our abundance of clean water for granted. With the exception of the Flint, Michigan water crisis and regional droughts, most people in the United States give no further thought to their water source past the tap. In contrast, according to UN-Water, “Today, 1.8 billion people use a source of drinking water contaminated with feces, putting them at risk of contracting cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio.”1

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Topics: Water Conservation, Recycling, Sustainability, Facility Maintenance

Posted by Briana Smith on Jan 26, 2016 12:30:00 PM

What Facility Managers Should Review Yearly

By: Briana Smith, Social Media and Product Branding Specialist, WAXIE Sanitary Supply

It’s always good to have a game plan. Game plans make it easier for both you and your staff to be on the same cleaning & maintenance page.

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Topics: cleaning procedures, Education, preventative maintenance, Facility Maintenance

Posted by Briana Smith on Dec 13, 2012 12:30:00 PM

Water Conservation Tips: Winter – Best Time to Make Landscaping Plans

By Briana Smith  |  December 13, 2012

Water conservation during the winter? It’s actually the perfect time to research and map out the best way to tackle outside water conservation goals that can then be implemented in the spring.

There are many ways to be water wise in regards to landscaping either at home or the outside spaces at work. With excellent planning, proper installation & general maintenance your low water landscaping can look beautiful & be functional. Don’t forget to check with your local city/county office, as some offer rebates for water conservation-landscaping.

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Topics: Water Conservation, Sustainability, Facility Maintenance