Lift Stations and Grease Interceptors have one thing in common, they constantly collect and eject all kinds of FOG (Fats, Oils, & Grease), and other organic waste.
Lift Stations, or "sewage ejectors", collect waste from waste lines that are below grade and pump the waste up to the street sewer level. As the waste flows into the tank the water level in the lift station rises to a predetermined level triggering float switches that pump the waste out and into the municipal waste system. Waste and paper collect and build up on the pumps and float switches causing odor, mechanical failure and, potentially, a sewage overflow. This issue is a maintenance headache for the engineers and untreated waste smells bad.
WAXIE Lift and Interceptor Treatment contains odor encapsulation and abatement technologies along with trillions of microorganisms specifically chosen for their ability to degrade and metabolize even the foulest waste. WAXIE Lift and Interceptor Treatment, when misted into lift station tanks multiple times a day via a wall mounted peristaltic pump and a spray nozzle, eliminates these headaches. More frequent, smaller doses per day ensure proper and constant colonization of beneficial microorganisms.
The microorganisms in WAXIE Lift and Interceptor Treatment effectively remediate waste and cellulose buildup on floats, pumps and walls while the odor encapsulation components eliminate odor!
Interceptors are essentially big grease traps, commonly located outside of a commercial kitchen, usually in the ground or under a parking lot. A grease interceptor, or grease trap’s primary purpose is to separate grease and oil from kitchen drain water and prevent it from entering the municipal waste stream. Kitchen wastewater flows into the first chamber of a grease trap or interceptor, isolating the fats, oils and grease, while allowing the water to run through the subsequent chambers and into the municipal waste water system. The FOG left behind in the initial chambers solidifies, stinks, and need to be treated.
WAXIE Lift and Interceptor Treatment gives you the best chance of remediating the contents of your interceptor, while greatly reducing odor associated with collected grease. Drain laterals should be treated up-stream of the interceptor with a peristaltic pump administering the WAXIE Lift and Interceptor Treatment several times per day. Small, frequent doses throughout the day ensure consistent colonization of beneficial microorganisms in the laterals, and interceptor.
WAXIE Lift and Interceptor Treatment contains seven scientifically chosen species of microbes to provide the ultimate treatment for your lift station or interceptor, and greatly reduces odor associated with grease and waste collection. Each gallon contains 1.3 trillion colony-forming microorganisms per gallon.
View WAXIE Lift & Interceptor Products Online Here
Vertical markets applications:
Click here to download the WAXIE Lift & Interceptor Treatment SDS.
Click here to download the WAXIE Lift & Interceptor Treatment product specification sheet.
Click here to download the WAXIE Bioactive Maintenance Products brochure.
Your WAXIE Sanitary Maintenance Consultant or local Chemical Specialist can provide you with a facility survey and recommend solutions to appropriate applications specific to your facility’s needs.
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San Diego, CA 92123
(800) 995-4466
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