(800) 995-4466

The PourAway Liquid Recycling System




The PourAway Liquid Recycling System is a state-of-the-art product which gives liquid separation and recycling functionality to trash receptacles. PourAway’s patented products provide the convenience of separating liquids from trash when disposing of waste at your business, school or university.

  • Do your customers or students fill trash cans with unwanted milk, power drinks and water?
  • Does liquid in your trash continue to leak and make a mess?
  • Is liquid in the waste stream negatively effecting your custodial staff?
  • Is your business or school district meeting its waste diversion goals or zero waste initiatives?

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How does PourAway work? PourAway fits on any existing 23-gallon Slim Jim or 32-gallon Brute trash can. Each PourAway set comes with a lid and tank. Simply place your trash bag inside of your trash can. Place the PourAway custom tank into the opening of the trash can then place the custom lid on top of the tank and PourAway. It’s that easy!

Am I going to save money? Financial savings from utilizing PourAway units are immediate. Removing liquid contaminants from the waste stream will reduced the frequency of cleaning; wet, stinky trash cans, power washing sidewalks and dumpsters and carpeting cleaning. The benefit of reduced liquid waste from your compactor is significant. Depending on volume, on average customers have experienced an 18% reduction in waste removal costs.

pour-away-07What is the employee benefit? Risk reduction is a never-ending battle. According to NIOSH Lifting Index removing liquid weight from a trash bag can reduce the risk of workers compensation claims such as back injury and slip and falls by greater than 40%.

How does PourAway impact your environmental initiatives? Pouring collected liquid down a drain provides a “free and environmentally friendly” ride to the treatment plant and no carbon emissions from haulers. The disposal of trash bags NOT filled with liquid contaminant into a landfill reduces the production of water vapor, CO2, nitrous oxide and ozone emissions into the air.

PourAway is a great solution for any sustainability program migrating towards zero-waste.

In California, utilizing PourAway lids in your recycling program assists in being compliant with California AB1826. This legislation calls for a mandatory separation of organics from waste, meaning by law California businesses must now recycle their landscape cuttings and food waste depending on the amount of waste they generate per week.

With the PourAway Liquid Recycling System, “recycling is just a pour away”.