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The Healthy Schools Project* - Elementary

Making Hygiene Fun: A Primary Concern

sgfYoung students are information sponges. That makes K-5 the perfect time to start learning about illness-causing germs and how to avoid them.

The KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* Healthy Classroom Station is a fun, engaging way to promote good hygiene in elementary classrooms. It puts hand sanitizer, tissue and child-safe surface wipes at students’ fingertips.

the healthy schools caddy 250The attention-grabbing “Super Germ Fighters” program also helps young students grasp why healthy habits are important.

Teachers in pilot programs felt their students had a 344% increase in knowledge of how to protect themselves from germs.


Lesson plans about good hygiene make learning fun for students and easy for teachers.

Teachers in pilot programs felt their students had a 344% increase in knowledge of how to protect themselves from germs.