(800) 995-4466


Green Cleaning Contributions to a LEED Project

If your goal is LEED certification for your facility, WAXIE has helped several clients implement cleaning and facility maintenance strategies which have contributed to LEED certified projects for commercial real estate buildings, colleges and universities, K-12 schools, museums, stadiums, military bases, municipal government buildings, healthcare facilities, and restaurants – and we have even used these strategies on two of our own LEED certified Inventory Centers. With several LEED AP O+M on staff to assist with a LEED project, not only are these individuals cleaning industry experts, they can use their demonstrated knowledge of the LEED Green Building Rating System to help design and implement a Green Cleaning Program which can help contribute to your LEED project.

Whether you are pursuing a LEED v3 2009 or v4 project, or whether your project is LEED O+M, BD+C or ID+C, WAXIE has the expertise to describe how a Green Cleaning Program can potentially contribute to the overall project.


Credit Categories

Sustainable Sites: Develop a Building Exterior and Hardscape Management Plan and utilize green cleaning and maintenance practices and materials to clean the building exterior and hardscape.

Water Efficiency: Reduce indoor water use to meet the minimum indoor plumbing fixture fitting efficiency, and potentially exceed this baseline by utilizing water conserving fixtures in the restroom, and implementing green cleaning procedures which minimize water use.

Energy & Atmosphere: Install energy saving LED lighting and consider converting cleaning operations from the day to the night to conserve energy.

Materials & Resources: Develop a solid waste management plan which considers ongoing consumables such as paper, plastic, glass, batteries, cardboard and food waste, and implement a program which addresses collection and tracking of diversion rates.

WAXIE can assist with solutions to help collect, move and
store waste, recyclables and compostables.

Indoor Environmental Quality: Develop a Green Cleaning Policy and implement a high performance Green Cleaning Program which utilizes more sustainable cleaning products, equipment and entryway matting systems. Establish performance metrics and incorporate tools which assist in measuring and tracking green spend for cleaning product purchases as well as custodial effectiveness.

Innovation: Pursue exemplary performance in the areas of green spend for cleaning product purchases and custodial effectiveness, and utilize a LEED AP on your LEED O+M project. Or develop a Green Cleaning Policy for your LEED BD+C or ID+C project while it is in the design and construction phase.

If you would like to engage with WAXIE to consult on your LEED project, please send an email to leed@waxie.com to get started!