100 Tips to Help Property Professionals Go Green for Earth Day

Written by Briana Smith | Apr 18, 2013 7:30:00 PM

List Compiled By: Keith Schneringer  |  April 18, 2013

April 22 is Earth Day, and you may be thinking about ways to commemorate this day at your building.  In an effort to raise awareness of sustainability-related ideas on this day, it is worth revisiting the 100 Tips for Earth Day for Property Management Professionals which was originally created by BOMA International. 

These tips can be utilized to make going green a priority at your property on Earth Day (and can in turn help to make every day Earth Day in 2013)!

Energy Efficiency

1. Benchmark energy consumption through ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager
2. Regularly inspect building equipment
3. Calibrate thermostats and air handlers
4. Adjust dampers within code to reduce excess outside air
5. Install power management software for monitors
6. Harvest daylight by locating work stations adjacent to windows
7. Clean windows to allow more natural light
8. Change incandescent lights to CFLs, HIDs and LEDs
9. Convert inefficient lamps and ballasts to T8, T12 and T5 lamps
10. De-lamp and disconnect unused ballasts
11. Perform full-floor lighting sweeps to ensure EMS system is performing
12. Install occupancy sensors
13. Use high-efficiency LED signs
14. Use work station task lighting
15. Install heat recovery equipment
16. When available, sub-meter major systems and equipment
17. Conduct security patrols to ensure all lights are off
18. Manage sequence of operations so all equipment is not running at once
19. “Green” your roof to reduce heat load to the building
20. In hot/dry regions, add tinted glass or window film
21. Install VFDs on air handler units and cooling towers
22. Seasonally adjust schedules for HVAC equipment
23. Automatic “lights out” at 7 p.m. with tenant override mechanism
24. Install CO2 sensors to reduce outside air intake
25. Consider a light roof in hot/dry climates to reduce the heat island effect
26. Install interior solar shades to block heat
27. Take advantage of federal tax credits on energy efficiency improvements
28. Perform annual thermal scans to identify electrical hot spots
29. Install solenoid values on heat pumps
30. Verify all HVAC units are on the EMS schedule
31. Recommission building mechanical systems
32. Have buildings cleaned during the day when lights are on
33. Hold vendor/tenant Q&A events
34. Team clean your building floor-by-floor to reduce electricity

Water Conservation

35. Benchmark water consumption through ENERGY STAR
36. Water early in the morning to reduce evaporation
37. Use drip irrigation for ornamental shrubs
38. Install in-ground moisture sensors
39. Use a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle
40. Use a broom or to clean driveways or sidewalks
41. Landscape with perennial plants
42. In arid climates, landscape with native, drought-resistant plants
43. Install aerators in bathroom and breakroom sinks
44. Install low-flow or waterless urinals
45. Install low-flow toilets
46. Monitor activities with sensors, such as motion-sensor faucets
47. Reduce water pressure
48. Reset hot water thermostats to the lowest setting possible
49. Turn off hot water heaters while building is unoccupied
50. Schedule an annual review of your property’s irrigation system
51. Harvest rainwater for landscaping

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

52. Recycle old cell phones for the needy
53. Hold an e-Waste day and collect electronics
54. Recycle everything – paper, plastic, batteries, light bulbs, computers, copiers, etc.
55. Invest in a fluorescent bulb “crusher” and invite tenants to drop off their bulbs
56. Use recycled material in restroom paper products
57. Check into local/state tax credits for recycled material
58. Use local and recycled building materials
59. Add composting to your landscape maintenance plan
60. Use coreless bath tissue
61. Work with vendors who have recycling programs
62. Establish disposal methods to discard electronics and hazardous waste
63. Institute a food composting program
64. Utilize mixed recycling
65. Hold furniture recycling fair
66. Hand prune plants
67. Use mulching mowers in landscaping

Tenant Awareness

68. Give away CFL bulbs to tenants in exchange for incandescent bulbs
69. Organize energy efficiency and sustainability tenant councils
70. Give away pine tree samplings on Earth Day
71. Encourage tenants to power down during off hours
72. Institute an Energy Awareness Program
73. Encourage tenants to use ENERGY STAR equipment
74. Set up “by request only” for supplying HVAC on nights and weekends
75. Reduce tenant access to thermostats
76. Ask a car dealership to bring hybrid vehicles to property for test drives
77. Include sustainability tips in monthly newsletters
78. Post information on car pools and mass transit
79. Install bicycles racks in the garage
80. Allow bikers to use gym showers
81. Offer preferred parking spots for compact cars and hybrid vehicles
82. Encourage tenant work-from-home policies to reduce workplace energy consumption
83. Host “Go Green” fairs for tenants
84. Offer tenant training for recycling and composting programs
85. Ask tenants to switch off overhead lights when daylight is sufficient

Indoor Air Quality

86. Give away free samples of green cleaning products
87. Invite green vendors to exhibit/discuss products on Earth Day
88. Use air filters and HEPA vacuums to improve IAQ
89. Use low-VOC paints/sealants/adhesives for building improvements
90. Make sure cleaning products meet Green Seal or EcoLogo standards
91. Insure that your janitorial service uses green cleaning products
92. Use microfiber cloths when cleaning to reduce chemical use
93. Dispose of garbage promptly and properly
94. Do not block air vents or grilles
95. Develop a preventative IAQ management program
96. Integrate IAQ concerns into purchasing decisions
97. Store food properly
98. Use walk-off mats in lobby to reduce contaminants
99. Promote your green cleaning program to tenants
100. Use high performing HVAC filtration systems


Do have any other suggestions?  Please feel free to share your suggestions with us and we will see if we can add a “101st” tip to share in a future article.

Thanks for reading and Happy Earth Day!

Keith Schneringer is WAXIE’s Director of Channel Marketing + Sustainability. He is a LEED AP O+M and CIMS-GB ISSA Certification Expert who has been a consultant on a variety of LEED and CIMS-GB projects, and has presented to audiences at USGBC, BOMA, IFMA and CHESC events (among others). He enjoys learning and sharing information on topics related to sustainability and green cleaning and can be found on Twitter @kschneringer.