Republished with permission from Windsor's Cleaning Tip of the Month eNewletter August 2013
Interim cleaning is often the most overlooked step in the PDIR cleaning process. As a reminder, PDIR stands for Preventative, Daily, Interim, and Restorative cleaning processes. These cleaning processes form a cost-saving cleaning system for any facility.
Interim cleaning will maintain the appearance of your floors with low moisture, low chemical encapsulation or targeted hard floor care methods. This increases productivity, creates almost no down-time, and is budget friendly. Interim cleaning reduces the frequency of the more time-consuming, more expensive, and more difficult restorative cleaning such as deep carpet extraction.
Maintaining a consistent and high level of appearance with interim cleaning reduces the frequency of restorative cleaning needed. Encapsulation cleaning is for carpets while a top scrub and re-coat is for hard floors.
For interim carpet treatment a special encapsulation chemical is required. Windsor’s iCapsol encapsulation chemical is a low moisture system that isolates soils and allows them to be easily vacuumed away. The chemical needs to be worked into the carpet with a special machine such as a iCapsol Mini Deluxe or our new Taz with Orb Technology. The low moisture level of this cleaning method will leave the carpet ready to walk on again after approximately 20 minutes only. To make sure the encapsulated dirt particles are thoroughly removed, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner after the carpet has dried. Smaller spray extraction machines or carpet spotters will take care of spots in small carpeted or textile areas.
For hard floors a single disc machines or an autoscrubber can be used. All these tasks need to be complemented with the matching and approved cleaning agents, as well as matching discs or brushes.
The iCapsol Mini Deluxe is a convenient way to apply encapsulation chemical to your floors. Our counterrotating brushes lift and groom the carpet pile, while a debris bin catches loose soil & debris. The solution spray system makes encapsulation chemical easy to apply and it increases productivity. Item #573935
The Chariot 3 iExtract DUO Stand-On Extractor features a productive interim and deep extraction machine. This machine is ideal for quickly applying encapsulation chemical to large areas. The speed of our chemical combined with this machines productivity means the absolute minimum downtime for your facility. Item #573536
The Saber Blade 16 is perfect for top-scrub and recoat jobs. Various pressure settings and multiple brush options allow this machine to conquer all floor types. Our compact design and forward/reverse pickup allow this machine to work perfectly in tight, congested areas. Item #570821
The new Taz with Orb Technology excels at interim maintenance. It is great at applying encapsulation chemical on carpet and it quickly removes multiple coats of finish on hard floors. In addition to interim cleaning the Taz cleans tile & grout, concrete, rubberized floors, and much more! Item #575800
Read More:
Ask Sadie: Treating Carpet Stains Tips & Techniques
Carpet Care
Concrete Floor Care
Stone Floor Care
Synthetic Floor Care