Online Ordering. Made Easy.

With our e-Commerce platform WAXIE Web@Work,  you and your facility will have access to our entire catalog containing thousands of products. Experience the convenience of placing your entire order at the click of a button. More efficiency, less hassle. Our trusted experts in clean approve!

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Mobile-friendly design

Place your order with us anytime, from anywhere! You can also easily manage accounts whether on a computer, phone or tablet.

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Enhanced Search & Navigation

Find items quicker and easier with a new instant filter system.


Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Included with chemical products in an easy-to-download pdf.

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Extended Product Information

WAXIE and third-party brochures are connected to items help inform your purchasing decisions.

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New Online Categories

Closer match to the WAXIE printed catalog to make finding products a more consistent experience.

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Shopping Lists 

Save regularly purchased items for quick re-ordering.

Are you ready to experience the benefits of online ordering with WAXIE Web@Work?


After your account is requested, one of our account consultants will reach out and help you complete this process.

As the true single source for all your sanitary and janitorial supplies requirements, you can depend on WAXIE to meet your needs. 


Stay Connected. Reduce Transaction Costs. Start Ordering Online Today!

For more information, check out our WAXIE Web@Work Quick Reference Guide.

Let's Talk. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback we are here to support you and all of your facility care needs. 

Your WAXIE Team